Wednesday 10 July 2013

Good bye Berlin

I'm waiting on the side of a street in Berlin at the moment for a car pooling ride that is going to pick me up at 10am They'll take me back to Mathias and Annett's in Bad Dürrenberg where I will stay for one night as they asked me to come back for a group photo.
For the last two nights  I stayed with an older guy called Simon, he's enjoying learning English!  We went for a 2 hour bike ride on a tandem yesterday afternoon and evening!  What a crack up! ! To try and get the hang of it I just laughed so much to start with!  .... An his peddling pace was quite fast the whole way an barely ever paused the peddles to cruise ... ow my bum muscles! ! I chose not to mention it ... knowing it is doing me good ... An thankfully didn't give me cramp nor was it an issue when we returned home ...nor today either ... so :-) must be getting fitter!  Choice!  We rode to a nearby..... (am in the car now ... initial conversation over now and they've gone back to speaking German. They're nice and humorous people.  Gonna be an easy trip :-)..) ...... village with a lake and went for a swim. ..the water was so warm! Then we went to a restaurant in the village for coffee and a nice (I chose vegetarian) dinner.  Then cycled home again past fields of oats and a stone wall from the 1500's still in really good condition. And such beautiful old houses and cottages enveloped in the woods!  So Beautiful!  Sadly its too difficult to take photos from the back of a tandem ... so you only get these ones. 

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