Thursday, 2 May 2013

The streets of Barcelona

On the streets of Barcelona they sell almost everything, jewelry, flowers, art, . . . An yes check out these seeds! I went to my first market today, what an incredible experience,  talk about meat boys! You don't know the meaning of meat until you go to one of those places! There's every kind of meat you can imagine.  . . Including that which you don't want to imagine! !!! They had whole rabbits skinned and mostly gutted, with their kidneys intact and their livers spread out for display, eyes and ears still on. Ducks, and chooks plucked and gutted feet and heads still on. Live lobsters on ice with big rubber bands around their claws, all kinds of shellfish (except I didn't see paua) some shellfish were really bizarre shapes, about the size shape and colour of asparagus but  with big moving globs of fleshy mucus hanging out of one end. They had sheep's tongues an cows tongues, hearts, lambs heads skinned, testicles and penises, lots and lots of legs with hooves hanging like bunches of grapes,  they had ducks tails and the lacy looking  lining of the inside of cows stomachs.  And something that really struck me . . . Just about every fish monger and butcher was a woman!!!  And these meats and fish were duely carved or filleted on the spot for the on looking purchaser. And . . . That was only the meat section!  Frances I want to take you to that market, we'll pass the meat sections an buy some fruit that we don't recognise instead, ae?:-) Or perhaps spend half an hour trying to make up our minds in front of the chocolate stand . . . As there are countless things we can't recognise there also :-)
Now to explain the photos a little more ... the wire netting sculpture represents the strength and unity of the entwined community.  They also make human pillars by actual people who stand on each others shoulders
In a circle making a similar structure like the netting.
There are countless tiny cafes that must spill their customers to the tables outside, all you need to do is sit at a table and wait, and from yourguessisasgoodasmine a waiter appears and then good luck getting your message through to him if you don't have a local with you whom also speaks English, cos even if he does understand Hot Chocolate.  . .  It's not going to be what you thought it was :-)
There are many places where its hard to tell who has the right of way ... people or vehicles! You'll see this in one of the photos.
Motorcycles, scooters mechanical and not, and bicycles are almost as plentiful as cars so there are always rows upon rows of them along the street sides (I refrain from saying they're parked on the footpath because as I say I'm confused as to what actually is the footpath here, there is no clear division on th side streets anyway).
Hundreds of tiny balconies overhang the streets, perched on the sides of ancient grandiose buildings, they are so frequent that I am sorry to say that they cease to turn one's head after a while. .
The street lamp with red arms is a design of Gaudi's with a winged helmet centre piece and if I remember correctly so is the elaborate bronze fountain in Placa Reial (in Catalan) or Placa Real in Spanish.
I just have to say here that there's one thing that you Won't find in any of these photos of Barcelona at least . . . Maybe in all of Spain . . But I damn well hope not!!  You will Not see any public toilet signs.  . . Because there are no public toilets! !!
When I asked Carina about it she said because there are so many bars there is no need for public toilets, people just go to the bars. And well that is true ... there are a lot of bars on all streets its likely the most  common retail outlet here, but it strikes me as being somewhat perpetual . . . The more you go to a bar the more you need to pee ..... etc hmmm  But . . I just don't do bars . . . Well mind you . . . I can imagine that will change when I get to Ireland , the atmosphere is of course much  different, and yes . . . Bars are different to NZ here also . . Though they're still not as enticing to me as I imagine them to be in Ireland.  Loo or no loo.

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